Above is his preschool photo... so adorable. Last year's was so sad!
November 7
Had a visit to Dr. Wagstaff on Wednesday morning (a 2 hour drive... kids were pretty good in the car, seem to be able to entertain themselves much more... snacks always help!). Dr. Wagstaff said his yeast was back in control (woo hoo) and that he was doing incredibly well. He looked me in the eye and said he was very impressed with all we've done for Luke and it shows. He was so amazed that Luke can "take turns" playing games with Joel and said this was a HUGE deal for a child with autism. It was quite the ego-trip for me as I've never had someone of his expertise be so complimentary. I was flattered and thrilled, and thanked him profusely for all his help and guidance throughout the past year. The following is my list of questions and his answers:
1. Pet allergies acted up a bit again... Luke was test for this and treated for this again... with more desensitizing drops to help this allergy.
2. Tyramine allergy (in bananas, raisins, nuts) is in control so we can re-introduce these foods! Yay!!!! Banana bread again!
3. Dopamine? It turns out Luke's issue is an abnormal reaction to his dopamine. We will continue the "blue drops" for another 3 months as his reactions are improving, ever so slightly and slowly over time. Once the dopamine reaction is much more under control, perhaps in 3 months (or longer) we will be able to test (via urine) his dopamine levels. The dopamine is related to the repetitive stimulations and questions, banging, falling off / dropping of objects, grinding teeth... basically a nervous system stimluation. Luke has not been grinding his teeth lately, so that is a sign that things are improving!
4. Oxytocin... seems to be a new buzzword in the autism/DAN community, but Dr. Wagstaff was unaware of it's effect. It is not available in Canada, so there's nothing we can do at this point, but keep an eye on it as a possible supplement for Luke when it becomes more established as a treatment (and available).
5. Cholesterol is very effective in Luke! Dr. Wagstaff was pleased to hear that... generally the work he does eventually evens out the cholesterol levels, but the supplements we've given Luke through Dr. Bratt have been miraculously effective.
6. Luke had a "ring" fungus on his back upper thigh a month ago. Dr. W. said to just continue with the Probiotic once a day. It is part-and-parcel of the bad yeast resurgence he had.
7. I mentioned the craniosacral therapy with Mrs. C. and Dr. W. affirmed that it was incredibly effective for children with head trauma (particularly accidents, bumps, or birth trauma).
8. H1N1 virus. Dr. W. believed our sons would not suffer too much, especially since Luke's immune system is so healthy right now. We've just been through a slight cough with each boy and believe-it-or-not Luke bounced back faster than Joel. Dr. W. gave us a list of recommendations to stave off the virus which include good doses of Vitamin C, Vitamin D and some zinc.
9. Biofeedback treatments are now available with Dr. W. These are effective for mapping the brain to see where the child needs the most help, and then computer programs are set up to work that particular area. Totally non-invasive technology. Luke may not need this treatment, depending on where he's at; but it's a possibility for the future if there are particular areas of school-work that he struggles with.
10. Ambrotose? Can be effective for some children, but we entered a lengthy discussion about MLM (Multi Level Marketing) and their ethics. Dr. W. prefers not to deal with MLM companies. I may look into this a bit more as I've heard the ambrotose can work wonders. Same as the whole glyco-nutrient company.
11. Animal stem-cell opportunity? Once again Luke may not need this treatment as he's doing so well. It is a phenomenal treatment for children with Down's syndrome where it actually changes the expression of the DNA and can even improve the facial features of the Down's child. Fascinating, but ethically? hmmmmmm............
Luke and Joel have playing so well together lately. I'm thrilled that they can just go downstairs (we have a split-level house, so the dining-room and kitchen overlook the downstairs living room, so we can watch them!). They take turns playing Cariboo and Candyland. It's so cool to watch. I can't stop smiling when I see them playing nicely and even fighting typically and getting into trouble together (naughty giggles!). It gives me nothing but hope for Luke's future. He is so phenomenal right now.... Thank you God!
November 18
I have to write a few "stories" of vocal, play and emotional achievements...
A couple weeks ago Luke was sitting on the counter helping me bake. He said "I want to crack an egg". Then he said "I want to lick the beater"... and so I gave him a beater to lick and I asked him "Is it good?" and he replied of his own will "It's yummy".
Joel, Luke and I were playing with the Thomas train tracks and we all had our individual cars. Joel and I would pull up to the gas station, put the yellow bar down to fill up with gas and say "glug, glug, glug"... then slap my hand to pay me for the gas and then choo-choo-choo away. After about 4 or 5 times doing this, Luke did it too! Everything... even saying the "choo-choo-choo" and the "glug, glug, glug". He even said "I want to go under the bridge" a few times. It was very fun.
This morning he said to me "I want to drive this car" and he proceeded to drive the car along the floor in the proper way. Two years ago he would flip it over and spin the wheels!
Also this morning... I got a little sharp (my voice) with him while helping him dress; he immediately obeyed me and stopped goofing around. After his shirt was on, he said with a sad face... "I want a hug" and lunged at me with both arms around my neck. It was unbelievable! My heart melted, as did daddy's when I told him.
Luke's appetite is phenomenal. Last night he ate two whole chicken thighs... and it was even a little spicy (he had nice red lips!). He eats all his vegetables! I've found some a new great lunch idea... the Kinnickkinnick English muffins... there are 4 in a pack and I cut them into 3 slices each and make French toast for lunch (batter of potato milk, eggs, cinnamon, little sugar), fried in olive oil. Luke LOVES these and will often eat two or more slices. Lunch always seems to be the toughest, but we rotate between pancakes, french toast, muffins (apple or blueberry). I've discovered agave syrup which can be cheaper than 100% maple syrup and is sweeter so you don't need as much. Luke's a dipper and loves to dip into any condiments. Luke will often remind me when it's time to eat! Snacks are tough, too, since we've eliminated the Lays potato chips (which has cleared up his diarrhea). We rotate between the SunRype squiggles (new product) (sticky and chewy - but Luke will eat them if he REALLY wants them... even bite into them, but sometimes asks me to "make them little"), SunRype apple chips (new product), box of raisins, bag of craisins, peanut butter cookies (I have a great recipe and the boys love them), snickerdoodle cookies (Enjoy Life brand), fruit, plain rice crackers.
I've read two books this past two weeks on autism and unknowingly both address a spiritual healing. One (Solomon Wickey) is about an Amish man—still alive in Auburn, Indiana—who has the gift of healing and is a leading expert on iridology (diagnosis by reading the eyes). He doesn't charge for his time, and only charges cost on all the herbs he recommends for whatever ails you... and he made his money on commission cheques from the herbal company. A truly God-fearing man, who continues to lead a simple life.... you can only access him by mail (and I heard a 6-month waiting list) and or going to visit him directly... because they're Amish there's no phone or computer, etc. A great read. Would I go? No, I don't think so... deep down I'd like to, but realistically it's not really feasible. Also I read he was not feeling 100%... not sure how old he is, but he's a grandfather so in his senior years for sure.
The other book is by James Kinney... fascinating and an easy-down-to-earth read. His son was "healed" by a forced upon annointing at a church (and when I say "forced-upon" I mean the father was so desperate after almost 3 years of 2-3 hours of sleep a night, tantrums and increasingly-worsening situation). The night after the anointing (which coincidentally was on Good Friday) the son slept through the night and has ever since. Easter Sunday he began to talk... with perfect pronunciation (he had regressive autism, so he had developed early as a baby—walking at 6.5 months and had 100 words—but regressed into autism at 14 months after his vaccination). [Luke, BTW, is classic autism from birth, therefore he is just learning to talk for the first time so he sounds like a baby still and we work daily on his pronunciation]. Anyways, it intrigued me that both of these books were read at this time, so I emailed our pastor if he knew anyone with the gift of healing. He said no, but the church team would be willing to lay hands on and pray for Luke. I am considering this...
Just a bit about Joel... Joel just turned 2.5 on Sunday... He is the child that says "I'm going to do it"... wants to do everything himself which is both amusing and surprising for us. He could not be a better teacher for Luke. I've even had Joel "feed" Luke his porridge on occasion (the one meal Luke refuses to try to feed himself due to the "stickiness"). Joel has also decided, once in a while, to sit on the toilet. He did twice on Saturday and peed both times (literally "on" the toilet!)... hasn't since of course, but I'm not pushing it. He is very vocal... quite assertive (not allowed to say "bossy" — haha!) and a lot of fun. He has learned to take turns and is very serious... loves to draw and paint, and puts his whole serious face into it, for long lengths of time. He LOVES puzzles and is good at them, and enjoyes the Backyardigans. Stuffed animals Pablo and Tyrone are his little buddies right now. He has to have them "tucked in" bed with him, and the other morning both Pablo and Tyrone had to sit on the naughty step for screaming too much. This morning both P & T got to choose a book to read in mommy's big bed. Way too cute.
November 22
I have to add that these past few wintry weekends we've been indulging in something we haven't had in a very, very long time. Sleeping in. Joel and Luke call for us in the morning, usually around 6am and then they crawl into bed with us, which is always fun. Something I've always wanted, but Luke never did. Now they both dogpile on us, step on us, kick us, and we, for the most part, love it. We read books or sing or touch things on the night tables that we shouldn't. It's quite wonderful. Usually (for the past year) Luke would incessantly pester us that he "wants to go brush teeth"... and we'd have to get up and help him right away. Now... he brings us the toothbrush and toothpaste when he thinks of it (doesn't always say it right away any more, will play for a while first). I help him from the laziness of bed and he brings it back to the bathroom, rinses the toothbrush and puts it back in the cup. He will often pee on his own as well (still has to tell us first, or ask permission). Now this is the best part: if we have nowhere that we have to be, we send them upstairs to the living room to play AND THEY DO!!! We can catch another 10-15 minutes of shut-eye (or more) before we have to get up. It's so amazing, so restful, so phenomenal, so TYPICAL! Eventually we drag ourselves out of bed and help them get dressed and enjoy breakfast together. Even the "chore" of preparing all his drops and supplements is not that bothersome. Luke is becoming less and less clingy and needy and it's freed up time that I'm not quite sure what to do with. Haha, just kidding. I still have a few more autism books, and while I have not given up on the intensity of the journey and recovery, the burdens have eased a little as we're in a wonderful world and time of hope. I like this part of the journey. Everything's so optimistic.
Daddy made an ice rink in the back yard again and Joel was a big helper! Luke was uncertain and aloof, but perhaps this may be the year he gets his ice-legs? If not, no worries... nothing seems to be unattainable anymore and the stress and pressure of wondering if he'll "EVER" do this or "EVER" do that is pretty-much gone. That's the biggest joy of all. He seems to achieve all goals... in his time and in His time. It's so great.